“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."
- William Shakespeare
We have been thoroughly enjoying our nature walks of late, and our puppy, Freddy Bear, has made our jaunts much more companionable. However, with one very squirmy, curious pup it can be hard to manage taking along all the necessities for nature journaling!
So, when Mollie Ollie so graciously gifted us a handy Mimmo Caddy we were so thankful! We've found that it’s the perfect tote to hold all the tools and supplies we often use for a day of watercoloring – right down to the jar of water. 🎨💧🖌️
As perfect as the Mimmo Caddy is for holding art supplies, it’s also suitable as a knitting, embroidery, quilting or sewing tote - OR - as a doggy/diaper bag. (Freddy Bear especially appreciates that the chemical-free material is safe for puppy treats! 😉🐶)
If you’d like to check out the Mimmo Caddy, you can find a link to it HERE.
Anyone can use the code “10LittleGood” for a 10% off discount.
(This offer is valid through 6/01/2023)
If you’d like to check out the Mimmo Caddy, you can find a link to it HERE.
Anyone can use the code “10LittleGood” for a 10% off discount.
(This offer is valid through 6/01/2023)
The zip pocket on the end is great for holding tubes of paint and tiny bits and pieces, while the side pockets are the *perfect* size to carry our pocket-sized Good Little Notebooks.
(By the way, did you spot those pretty new journals peeking out of the pockets?!
They're going to be available in the shop in the next few weeks! 😍)
They're going to be available in the shop in the next few weeks! 😍)
Since our Good Little Notebooks pair up with the Mimmo Caddy so beautifully, we’ve created a 10% off discount code to use with any of our pocket-sized notebooks in our Etsy Shop HERE.
Simply use the code “10NOTEBOOK” when checking out.
(Offer is also valid through 6/01/2023.)
(Offer is also valid through 6/01/2023.)
Now, let's tour April's nature journal spreads!
(Pictured above: Bridget's Pages for April)
“Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter.”
- Beatrix Potter
We have our own little Peter Rabbit, who has been making frequent visits to the lettuce patch, but, unlike Mr. McGregor, I took the opportunity to paint him instead of chasing him about.
Now, if I only had the time to sew him a little blue jacket as well. . .
Freddy Bear has made an appearance in my sketchbook along with his beloved chickens.
A squirmy puppy-dog, makes a hard model, however willing he may be. Hopefully I'll get better at sketching our little bundle of energy! 😉💗🐶
(Pictured above: Bridget's Pages for April)

Brittany's Sketchbook
(Pictured above: Brittany's Pages for April)
"Spring comes on the World -
I sight the Aprils -
Hueless to me until thou come
As, till the Bee
Blossoms stand negative,
Touched to Conditions
By a Hum."
Hueless to me until thou come
As, till the Bee
Blossoms stand negative,
Touched to Conditions
By a Hum."
- Emily Dickinson
The flower beds truly come alive once the bumble bees arrive! Filled with grape hyacinths, coreopsis, and purple petunias, I especially had fun sketching those buzzy bees.
(Pictured above: Brittany's Page for March)
And, as promised last month, here is my finished page featuring our fluffy chicks!
While the chicks have already begun to take on a more matronly appearance, it's fun to look back and remember how tiny they were just a few short weeks ago!
(Photo of courtesy of Jonathan Deputy)
(Photo of courtesy of Jonathan Deputy)
And that's it for our April nature journal spreads!
May is already proving to hold more beauties than our brushes can possibly capture, but we're looking forward to sharing a small slice of it with you all next month.